Thursday, March 3, 2011


I'm sure you've already seen this movie. It's been the number one in the box office since it came out. I finally saw it and while I liked it, there were a few holes in it. I was a little suprised to find out it was based on a book "Out of My Head" by Didier van Cauwelaert. I think the few holes can maybe be explained by the fact that the book was first written in French, translated into English and then turned into this film.

I thought it was a great rush and I totally identified with Liam Neeson's character in his confusion. I didn't figure out what was going on until the very end (when I was told, lol). I think my husband figured it out way before that (he usually does). So, if you like to figure out what is happening, there are clues along the way. But if you are talented at suspending your disbelief, you won't even notice the little inconsistencies.

I thought Diane Krueger (from National Treasure) did a fabulous job and so did Liam Neeson. I usually love Aiden Quinn but his character bugged me and I cheered a little bit inside when I saw what happened to January Jones' character. Let me know if you feel the same way! So, I'm going to give this one and a half thumbs. If you like to go to movies, you should see this in the theater. If you are not big on movies, there is no problem waiting for this to come to video.

I added some new videos to my list for anyone who is looking for something for the weekend. I'm looking forward to The Adjustment Bureau!

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